Welcome To Dance Class!!!

We are so excited that you have chosen DanceWorks for your child's dance lessons!!! DW has built a reputation for excellence in dance instruction and involvement in the community. Your dancer will have a wonderful experience in our positive classrooms. Below you will find some helpful hints to ensure a successful first week of dance.

Girl with dance bag.jpg

What should I expect on the FIRST DAY of DANCE CLASS?

First days are an exciting time for our dancers and families! Dancers need a small bag for all of their dance shoes. Make sure you arrive with enough time to take your child to the restroom and put on their dance shoes. We ask that you limit the number of family members at the studio during the first few weeks of class so that we don't overwhelm dancers and to help with lobby/parking lot flow.


Where do I PARK?

Parking is available in front and behind the building. Labeled entrances are located at the front and side of the studio.  If the parking lot is full and you choose to park in the driveway, please DO NOT park next to the building which is a fire lane.  Please park against the curb next to the storage units.

What to do if there are TEARS?

It is possible your dancer may have tears his/her first month or two. Don't panic! This is normal especially for our youngest dancers. Your child's teacher has experience with tears, so don’t worry.  Let the teacher take them into the classroom. If they need anything they will come get you. We recommend you then wait away from the observations windows as children tend to continue crying when they can see their parent/caregiver. It is important to have patience with our little ones. We want your dancer's first experience to be a positive one!

Should the PARENT/CAREGIVER enter the classroom?

We kindly request that parents wait in the waiting room during class time (unless invited in by the teacher). If your child starts crying during class, please do not rush into the dance room! Our staff is trained and qualified to handle these situations. They will come get you or bring the dancer to you if necessary. Please trust and believe in our DW instructors, they have the child's best interest in mind!

What is the WAITING ROOM etiquette?

With so many people coming and going the waiting room can get a little cramped, especially the first few weeks of class. Please be patient with the lobby until everyone gets into their routines. Please pick up after yourself and your children. Please keep an eye on your other children waiting with you. No RUNNING, GYMNASTICS, BALLS or PETS in the waiting room. Be respectful of others and keep the volume of conversations low.


Can I DROP OFF my dancer?

You are more than welcome to drop off your dancer and go run errands.  They are in good hands.  If you choose to drop off your child, they may be dropped off no more than 5 minutes prior to the start of class.  Make sure you are back to pick up your dancer 5 minutes before class ends.  We ask that whoever is picking up your child come in to the studio to get them.  This is for safety reasons.  Thanks for your help with this matter.  

CONGRATULATIONS once again on taking this amazing journey with your dancer!!! We are so honored you have entrusted us with your child's dance education. Be prepared for lots of FUN!!! We can't wait to see your child grow while making memories with us at DanceWorks for many years!!! 

Love Your DanceWorks Staff

2018 DanceWorks Open House

We are so excited for our 2018 Open House. Please join us on Saturday, July 21st from 10:00 am until 12:00 pm for FREE family fun!!! We will have face painting, pony rides, bouncy house and more. While you are here enter to win some FANTASTIC prizes like a FREE month of tuition, FREE dance shoes, T-shirts and more!!! You can also tour our facility and meet the staff. We can't wait to see you on Saturday.


DanceWork Open House

Saturday, July 21st

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

610 Mount Tabor Road, New Albany, IN 47150

(812) 981-8115